I am a TA Counselling supervisor (PTSTA (C) and am passionate about the TA counselling field. I choose a creative, systemic approach to my supervision. My frame of reference is firmly based in wellness rather than pathology. I work with individuals and groups.
One of the models I use is the seven-eyed supervision model (Hawkins & Shohet, 1985) The model is relational, it focuses on the relationships between client, therapist and supervisor, and systemic because it focuses on the interplay between each relationship and their context within the wider system. The model is called “seven eyed” because it focuses on seven distinct aspects of the therapeutic process.
In group supervision this model allows everyone to take part in the supervision process either presenting a client, or participating by observing from one of the seven eyes.
I offer supervision for counsellors who are working towards their written and oral presentation for their Counselling Diploma as well as CTA Counselling.
In TA if you are working towards CTA you have to complete 150 hours of supervision, 40 of these need to be with your principal supervisor, you can choose how you complete the remaining hours with a supervisor of your choice. In group supervision in TA, if you join a 3 person group for 3 hours you can log all 3 hours.
My Approach
Transactional analysis (TA) is a widely recognised form of modern psychology, and arguably one of the most accessible theories of psychology. The Counselling field of TA is designed to promote personal growth and change. It is considered a fundamental therapy for well-being and for helping individuals to reach their full potential in all aspects of life.
Founded by Eric Berne in the late 1950s, TA therapy is based on the theory that each person has three ego-states: parent, adult and child.
These are used along with other key transactional analysis concepts, tools and models to analyse how individuals communicate and to identify what interaction is needed for a better outcome.
Throughout sessions, we will work directly together on problem-solving behaviours, whilst helping you to develop day-to-day tools for finding constructive, creative solutions. The ultimate goal is to ensure you regain absolute autonomy over your life. Eric Berne defined this autonomy as the recovery of three vital human capacities - spontaneity, awareness and intimacy.
My stance is non-judgemental, secure and respectful, this helps to ensure that a positive relationship is forged between us. This opens up awareness of a model that can be useful in subsequent relationships and for communication outside of the counselling setting.
In this setting, I aim to work collaboratively with you. Together, we will identify what is going on in for you and in your relationships to provide opportunities for you to change repetitive patterns that may limit your potential.
How does transactional analysis work?
Transactional analysis is completely focused on the ways you relate, whether that is at work or home. It doesn’t require spending hours looking at your past to find answers to your problems, the approach is focused on the here and now.
Transactional analysis is a talking therapy and sessions are designed to explore an individual's personality and how this has been shaped by experience. This is achieved through talking, telling stories, writing and using objects.
It is a good choice for looking for repeating patterns in your life, do you find the same things keep happening to you? Are your relationships difficult and do you want this to change? TA counselling gives you a system to understand not only yourself, but those around you, to look at how you interact with your world.
TA uses simple models and language, which can help you understand why you have become who you are today and how (and in what ways) you relate to other people.